We are a full service web application development firm based in Western Massachusetts. We match your business needs with the most appropriate Web technology, and then we program it for you and give you the code. We can automate recurring tasks that you have to pay employees to do, freeing them up to produce and sell more.

New programming languages or software burst onto the scene and it often becomes difficult to know what to believe. How do you know what your site should be using? How do you know
which technologies are the best to use and when? How can you keep up?

Allow us to help you navigate all these issues. We can work with your I.T. department in developing your systems, code or Web integrating applications as well. Let us be your Web department.

Web technology is the infrastructure, hardware and software that brings the Web to life. It is the mechanism that allows one person to publish Web content to a server and another person across the globe to view that content on their own computer. There are a large amount of processes that are going on “under the hood” that make this all possible.

It is beneficial to break down the abstract concept of ‘Web technology’ into four subsections; client/server model, hosting, processes and functionality, and databases.

The Application Development We Offer

  • Web application development in numerous Web programming languages
  • Database creation, development and manipulation
  • Dynamically database-driven web content in most popular databases
  • Web form creation and lead management
  • Web application development specifically for automating recurring employee tasks
  • Consultation on existing and emerging technologies
  • Technical advice and training
  • Application development & Web programming for your business
  • Consultation on database construction and integration
  • Transferring business processes to the web
  • Intranet development with web services
  • Best known practices for bringing your marketing to life on the web

View our portfolio for examples of our Web application development and Web programming.

We are proficient in most Web-related technologies & Web programming languages, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Processes and Functionality – What We Can Do For You

One of the things that makes the Web so awesome is its ability to allow users to interact with it. A website gives a customer an active role in learning about or buying a product or service. Unlike
television or magazine articles, a customer doesn’t just passively view a website. Links can be clicked, forms can be filled out, information can be searched, and customized products or services can be created. And the potential goes well beyond this. As Web technology becomes increasingly sophisticated, interactive capabilities grow.

So another aspect of Web technology is the functionality it provides the user. Basic Web pages are created using html (hypertext markup language) which is the language that prints content to a Web page. Html is used to render a Web page, and gives the website creator the ability to embed text, graphics and multimedia into a page. But this is just the beginning. To make the page interactive and to give it functionality beyond hypertext clicking, other programming languages are needed.

A very typical example of website interactivity and more advanced functionality is the form. More often than not, a website contains one or more forms that ask the user to enter personal information and submit the form back to company. This allows the user to interact with the company, giving them the ability to speak directly to the organization. In turn, it allows the company to learn more about their existing or potential customers.

However, there is m uch going on behind the scenes to make a form actually work. First there is the html that allows the appearance of the form in the Web page to exist. Then there is code beyond html that goes into action when the user clicks the ‘Submit’ button at the end of the form. There are many programming languages that can be used to accomplish this and will be dependent on the software and hardware (or platform) of the company’s server. And it will also depend on the skills of the people coding the website and form. We can help you with your websites functionality. Not only to code it, but we’ll also help you decide what is best for you and how the Web can automate many of your tasks to save you time and money.